Do you want to be happier?


Read my top 4 tips to help you put your own happiness at the top of your TO DO list!

You can be happier by exploring what you want to achieve

Why are you doing the job you do? Do you enjoy your chosen career path? Why are you spending hours in the gym each week? It’s not something you may have ever questioned, but it’s crucial to spend some time questioning why you do what you do? What you truly want to achieve and how you are going to work towards achieving your goals? These are huge questions. Ones that you don’t have to explore alone, there are many people you can bounce ideas off of – friends, family, or a professional coach. To live on purpose you need firstly to identify what you want to achieve.

You can be happier by adopting the right behaviours

It’s great having goals, however, to focus so much on the specific goals and not consider the right behaviours to achieve these goals would be a complete waste of time. In order to be successful in your personal and work life you need to adopt a set of behaviours which make you a person others enjoy to be around. Positive, future focused people succeed much quicker than people who are negative and stuck in the past. Helping and supporting the success of others is so rewarding and will in turn help your own development. Aligning your own behaviours with your goals is critical to increasing your levels of success and happiness.

You can be happier by making your own choices

We all face hundreds of choices on a day to day basis. Do you often find yourself saying yes to things and afterwards wondering why you have agreed to something you don’t want to do? If your inner voice is telling you that you ‘should’ do something then it’s likely you shouldn’t be doing it. Don’t make choices based on what you think you should do instead on what you want to do. Consciously ask yourself the question when you are faced with a choice? Will this serve me to say yes to this? Do I want to do this? People are far more understanding than we often think, make your own choices.

You can be happier by being present

Today we are faced with multiple communication platforms, social media, constant meetings and hectic social lives. Do you get frustrated when you are in a meeting with someone and they just nip off to take an urgent call? When you visit your friends and they are too busy watching TV or texting other friends to concentrate on your conversation? Being present in today’s busy society is a gift. I am currently exploring mindfulness which helps you to focus on the present moment rather than worrying about the past or the future. Simply by focusing your attention fully on where you are, rather than worrying about what is happening elsewhere can help your overall happiness.

Please share with me your top tips that help your own wellbeing and happiness. Thanks for popping by to read my blog 🙂