Is this really happening?

How are you feeling? It’s important to be asking that question to those around you. I asked it to my webinar attendees yesterday morning, responses ranged from anxious, worried, concerned right through to positive. I have personally been in a slight daze and wanting to keep mega busy this week…such a surreal feeling has engulfed me with everything that is …

Six ways to prioritise your self-care and wellbeing this Christmas!

Christmas is a time of giving. We associate it with family, friends, sharing time together, exchanging gifts and for many there is a strong religious element too in the very origin of Christmas. What I reflect on this time of year, I realise (even more so than normal) how fortunate I am. Fortunate that I can spend time with my …

Lady with brown hair sitting in a red arm chair, wearing a blue top and looking up to the camera

4 ways to Boost your Self-Confidence to Achieve More

  Today we will share 4 tips to help boost your self-confidence so you can achieve more. As a nation, us Scots are not very good at either receiving or giving compliments. We prefer to talk our achievements down rather than recognise the great things that we have achieved. It actually has a name – ‘The Scottish Cringe’. As part of our business …

Lady with brown hair sitting in a red arm chair, wearing a blue top and looking up to the camera

The Customer Service Journey Continues… 

This week we continue the discussion on the value of customer service and the value of analysing your company’s customer journey to ensure your company is achieving amazing customer service. We discuss the second half of the elements of the customer journey discussion that we started last week. If you missed the first part please get in touch and we …